
Karmic Resolution and Restructuring of Consciousness Series ~ Spring 2015 (25 hours!)

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This potent 25-hour class series is a powerful transmission focused on resolving karma. Kristin discusses the nature of karma and the different forms it takes, and offers energetic transmissions for its dissolving. This series helps to discern and transform habitual patterns, supporting the liberation of the deeper roots of conditioning and outdated functioning.

Hi Kristin, I wanted to share with you some very exciting news related to the karmic resolution class. After a lifetime of severe asthma and allergies triggered by contact with animals, I have now pet cats and dogs and have even ridden a horse with no need to use my inhaler! When a friend muscle-tested me about the origin of this potential healing, we got that it was a result of the energetic shifts facilitated by your class. I don’t want to jinx it by getting overly excited, but I am profoundly surprised and grateful for this shift. Thank you!

- L.A. ~ Class Participant

Total time: 25 hours

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