
Kauai Retreat Highlights ~ April 2018 (3 hours)

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In this groundbreaking compilation from the Kauai April 2018 Retreat, Kristin addresses the brilliance, harmony and inseparability of our simultaneous divine awakeness and human experience. This points us back to the possibility of embodying our true nature in all its divinity, right here, right now. This video library includes 2 powerful Satsangs and a special combined healing and sound healing session.

Enfolded in a powerful transmission of love and acceptance, Kristin details the embodied experience of the surrendering of self, cessation, and opening to a wider perspective that cannot be seen or understood from the previous lens of experience.

To more fully support the integration of the higher octaves of divine awakeness into your daily experience please see the full 18-hour retreat library

Length: 3 hours

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