Kauai Retreat

“Deepening in the Heart of Nothing”IMG_0237-Edit-Edit
Mar 18th – 24th, 2018


7 Day NON – Silent Retreat in Kauai in a beautiful home with Kristin.

This retreat has changed from a silent retreat to a non-silent retreat. The focus has shifted slightly from “Deepening Embodiment” to “Deepening in the Heart of Nothing” to reflect the continual unfolding on the planet.

As we deepen in truth, awakened embodiment expands to embrace more and more of the magnificence of Being and includes the micro and macro inseparably. A subtler more refined awareness arises and the experience of awake presence in/as the body begins to inseparably include cosmic and atomic detail. This literally changes the functioning of the body and awakeness embodiment takes on a whole new meaning.

As we deepen in embodiment, the paradox between Everything & Nothing, Being & Not Being, Self & No-Self falls away. Consciousness comfortably rests prior to ‘becoming’ in the Heart of Nothing. The play of Self-Realization unfolds itself in unending mystery as paradoxes disappear into that which they continually arise from. Unknown becomes known as Self realizes itself more deeply, continually revealing the next horizon of unknown mystery of No Self to surrender through. Resting in the Heart of Nothing, Self and No Self are One.

Please join me in this week of community, transformation, transmission, laughter, healing, connection and satsang to support the continual opening, grounded and integration of the mystery of You.Limited to 15 in person participants.

Please join me in person as we are embraced in the transformational healing fields and Deepen in the Heart of Nothing.


Archived Videos
We will gather for a week in a beautiful home in the North shore of Kauai for our adventure into the Heart of Nothing. After the retreat closing “in house” participants will spend the afternoon in ocean bliss at the beach before the airport drop off. All meals will be organic with vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. There is a jacuzzi is on the premises.( Staying an additional evening is optional. Please inquire.)

Kristin is delighted to share in the magnificence and the unfolding mystery with you in support of your awakening journey home.

Mar 18th, 2018 3:30 airport pick up
Mar 24th, 2018 8:00 pm airport drop off

Registration after Nov 1st
Cash/ check payment   ~$2865
Paypal payment ~$2985

Kauai House Retreat Registration

Work Trade Available.