Polihale Remote Healing Session


Dive into the healing field with us!

Full immersion into the sacred healing field of the Kauai Camping Retreat. You will be held in the healing container during your wake time and dreamtime for 7 nights and 8 days straight. We will spend the first five and a half days in the depths of silence and the powerful healing field of Polihale. From there we travel around the island for healing for three more days to powerful consecrated temples, sacred caves  and magical island sanctuaries. Come join us remotely in the healing mystery.

8 Day Remote Healing Session

Dive into the 3 days of healing sessions from 5 sacred sites around the island. Healing sessions will be from powerful consecrated temples, sacred caves  and magical island sanctuaries!

3 Day Remote Healing Session

Dive into one glorious afternoon healing session on the last day of the retreat and benefit from the potency of a 8 day retreat and after retreat bliss. This healing session replaces the ongoing Monthly Healing sessions for March.

Final Mid-Day Healing Session

Note: ALL SESSIONS are Remote Access. There will be no live stream or conference call. You will be included in the healing container once you register. A healing container is formed for the duration of the retreat that is specific to you. This container is formed of my consciousness, your (participants) consciousness, devic consciousness and the consciousness of the healing guides. This container is both the energetic chalice for your transformation as well as the catalyst. Each individual is held within this transformative chalice with a healing plan unique to your souls desired growth. This chalice continues to form as individuals join. This is one of the reasons that individuals often report that they feel healing begin upon signing up. They have entered the healing chalice already.

” I hear over and over again from individuals who sign up for retreats as well as for the retreat remote healing, that the healing begins for them as soon as they have registered. Embracing the Mystery and our commitment to truth, we are embraced by Grace, over and over again.” ~Kristin