My Multidimensional Awareness and Healing Work

Living with the profound multidimensional awareness that developed in me through my awakenings is absolutely extraordinary. This evolution of awareness and perception is similar to the difference between watching the ocean on a screen vs literally being the ocean and diving in it. You live, feel and breathe in multidimensional embodied technicolor where everything around you is also within you. Everything becomes vibrant scintillating light, information and frequencies of love and interconnectedness.

The exquisiteness of being and inseparability with the living miracle of life I experience is available to everyone in their own unique way. It is my great joy to support others in waking up to this depth of consciousness and the realization of the magnificence that they are and we all are. We are not only living in a miracle, we are the living miracle..

This expanded state allows for a unique perspective on the holographic landscape of human souls, revealing the essence, purpose, and challenges of each individual. The healing process acts as a magnifying glass of divine light, focusing on areas needing transformation. It moves fluidly through different dimensions of consciousness, from intimate personal details to vast cosmic perspectives. This approach bridges dualities, uniting fragmented aspects of self and collapsing separateness into oneness. Through this work, wounds transform into wisdom, karma into light, and new possibilities for soul evolution emerge. 

We all are unique facets and lenses of Oneness. In my healing work, I see and experience the layered, nested, and holographic landscape of our souls. This multidimensional landscape is filled with the timeless details of our individual and collective history. I can tap into the gorgeousness of each person’s essence, their uniqueness, their life’s purpose and gifts, and at the same time I see their conditioning, wounds and soul stories that get in the way of life’s joy and awakening.

I am present with all these details in such a way that I become like a magnifying glass focusing divine light on the aspects that call out for healing and evolution. This greatly accelerates wounds and distortions healing into wisdom and light. My lens is multidimensionally adjustable, like a telescope and microscope. I am fluid through the dimensions of the ocean of consciousness. As I focus throughout the layers and the higher dimensions of a person’s being the pathways of access are illuminated making it easier for them to discover themselves there

You can imagine these layers and dimensions as different perspectives or focus points. Metaphorically speaking, I can be standing either next to a person on the ground, I can see them from a mountaintop or I can view their grander picture from a star or milky way perspective. I can perceive these different realms or dimensions separately as well as in their true interwoven and interpenetrating nature that is holographic and not separate at all.

The catalyzing aspect of the healing I contribute is the bridging of two into one, or collapsing duality into oneness. This could be bridging your soul with your infinite self, or daily triggers with an enlightened perspective. Through this bridging, which collapses two into one, fragmented soul memories and experiences unite in enlightened wholeness and distortions realign in harmonious perfection.  Wounds meet infinite wholeness and evaporate like clouds that had blocked the sun and divine radiance shines. Karma meets grace and self love and learning melts into infinite wisdom. And then, even more extraordinary higher new possibilities for soul healing and evolution become available.

In my membership program, The Soul Classroom, I work individually and collectively at the same time. I engage with the larger structures (“star and milky way perspective”) of everybody that includes all the smaller daily details. I access and amplify a greater refinement of being, or higher frequencies, which impacts and influences all the different layers of every participating person: their structures and memories, their karma and conditioning. I work in collaboration with a massive team of enlightened multidimensional beings and guides who are here to support our lives, the quickening of awakening and humanity’s healing and evolution in the highest love and compassion.