

The following location and date links below contain travel writings from previous adventures and other writings. They reflect an earlier process of discovery along this wild unfolding path.

Shasta, CA – September 2011
Kalachakra, DC – June 2011
Tuscon, AZ – April 2011
Sedona, AZ – September 2010


Photos of these sacred places have healing properties and are available for purchase. All images for sale were photographed by Kristin. Each canvas print carries an energetic signature that has it’s own presence. Please contact if you are interested.

I felt like I was bringing someone home with me. Wow

- B.L.

I did not get the big deal about these when looking at your website. But seeing these in person….I get it. Awesome!

- J.W.

Cathedral Rock

This photo is from Cathedral Rock taken at sunrise.
The canvas print emanates the power of Love that
rocks this world. Playfully said, but true.
(link to store in progress)

Silence Within

This gentle yet powerful cave is in Kauai, Hawaii.
This canvas print is sightly blurry on purpose and
draws one into the centerless center of being.
(store link in progress)


This canvas print is the gentlest of them all and
offers the unified resonance of Kauai’s transformative
power and her mystical grace. (store link in progress)