Family Healing Sessions and Individual Intensives with Kristin Kirk

Individuals within a family each have their own soul path and growth plan. As a family there are overlapping patterns, conditioning and karmas that are perfectly matched for each family member’s individual learning and soul growth. Family healing sessions address these patterns both individually and in relation to each other and are a comprehensive, efficient and powerful way to reveal, heal, enlighten and transform one’s relationship to oneself, one’s relationship with others and the resulting family dynamics. Family sessions tend to be highly informative as well as transformative.

Family sessions and intensives are an opportunity for a profound dive into individual and family dynamic transformation. Four 2.5 hour sessions can be scheduled in comfortable intervals to digest, integrate and implement changes. If there is a call for an intensive week long transformational immersion or on going monthly sessions then the Tier 3 Business/Corporation/Organization/Family Intensive level is best.

Individuals may donate at the Business/Corporation/Organization/Familly Intensive Tier 3 Level and receive a personal one on one intensive week long retreat and follow up healing sessions.