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Are you ready to receive extraordinary healing and experience your enlightened self?
Meet your Enlightened Self, 1000s of Master healing beings and souls from all over the world as we transform karma into light, wounds into wisdom and suffering into joy.
Welcome Beautiful,
I am so glad you are here. Your awakening and accessing your enlightened self is the answer to all your heart's desires and life's struggles. The fabulous news is that I can help you accelerate your awakening. And even more fabulous news is your wholeness is already here waiting to be discovered.
~ Do you feel a deep inner calling to awaken and heal your pain at the root of your suffering?
~ Do you know that awakening is possible in this life but it hasn’t “happened” yet? Or, have you experienced awakening and know that there is more?
~ Are you experiencing multidimensional awakening and looking for a teacher who can take you to the next level and beyond?
I deeply understand the insatiable calling to remember who you are, to heal and to recover your innate wholeness in this life. This insatiable desire called me back to Source to discover the truth of what we all are. This truth has revealed extraordinary healing gifts for me to share with you that transform the deep soul wounds that shape our lives, and that ignite an accelerated path of self mastery for you and all of humanity.
Life has brought you here to this moment. Perhaps you have landed here with your insides calling you to know the absoluteness of who you are, or to heal deep painful patterns, or to awaken, or to live your life from within the innate wholeness that deep down you know already exists.
"I spent many years in India, and sat with a number of Indian saints. People gather around these beings because of the energetic field that surrounds them. Kristin has the same ability, to generate a powerful field of energy that can transform those around her."
— D.U. ~ Lifelong Practitioner
~ If you are seeking life changing and uplevelling spiritual healing and inner guidance...
~ If you are already powerfully aligned in your awakening journey and are ready for exponential expansion, integration and embodiment...
~ If you are experiencing multidimensional awakeness and want support grounding and expanding your lucidity and self mastery…
Then our desires and goals are aligned and it is my absolute joy to meet you right now, here on your path, and to invite you to the next steps in your healing journey home from healing to awakening and through embodied self realization.
I look forward to being with you and supporting you on your journey to self realization!
"Kristin has a gift for expressing the inexpressible."
— Rick Archer - host of "Buddha at the Gas Pump"
“What is specifically unique and great about working with Kristin isshe just has some capacity to flow some serious transmission mojo.” — A.M.
“I feel you are spearheading a new direction in our human evolution.” — B.R.
“Working with Kristin literally gives oneself keys to the universe.” — J.B.
“It’s like you found the volume control on my anxiety valve
and turned it way down.” — R.S.